Multi-layered epoxy resin paintings
The high-voltage power lines supported by these fascinating pylons are an image of transmission, which has been the central theme of my artistic exploration in recent years. The series “Fragment of Pylon” was developed in parallel with the “Woman Bridge” series, with which it relates both aesthetically and thematically. Both series are designed to complement each other in exhibition spaces or to be presented separately.
By honoring these omnipresent elements in our contemporary landscapes, the works question the notions of point of interest and point of view. They relate the intellectual and the emotional—the structured and the organic. Since childhood, I have been fascinated by these structures, both for their form and the fact that one can see through them. They can become like lenses on our reality.
The works may appear flat, but they have been conceived and created in three dimensions through the layering of materials, each with its visual and significant importance. I therefore consider them sculpted works rather than painted.
Painting No. 6 ''Mountain Range'', PYLON FRAGMENT Series
H: 45" X W: 60" X D: 1.5'' Epoxy resin and structural mortar on wooden panel.
H: 24'' X W: 20'' X D: 2.5'' Epoxy resin and structural mortar on canvas.
Quadriptych ''LIGHT BLUE'' part 1-2-3-4, PYLON FRAGMENT Series
H: 20'' X W: 20'' X D: 1.5'' Epoxy resin and structural mortar on canvas.
Eneaptych "FUCHSIA RICE FIELDS", Pylon Fragment Series
Parts 1 to 9 : Epoxy resin and structural mortar on wooden panel.
​Painting No.2 "GREEN" , PYLON FRAGMENT Series
H: 40" X W: 30" X D: 2.5'' Epoxy resin and structural mortar on canvas.
Painting No.7 "GLACIERS", Pylon Fragment Series
H: 60" X W: 45" X D: 1.5'' Epoxy resin and structural mortar on wooden panel.